

We regularly host webinars and events to give more insight into governance, risk and compliance, as well as Cybersecurity and GDPR. These webinars are free to join and you can sign up below

Register of Information - Friend or Foe?

August 27th, 10:30am

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has introduced a requirement for firms to build and maintain a Register of Information. This register is quite detailed and will involve firms having to gather and maintain an incredible amount of data and while it is a regulatory requirement, could it have other benefits?


Join us for this 45 minute webinar where we'll explore the following -

  • What is the Register of Information?
  • Who should be included in the Register of Information?
  • Where to start?
  • Benefits & Challenges
  • Q&A

Control Testing - An Overview

September 24th, 10:30am

Control testing proves to be a challenge across many sectors - lots of organisations tend to have risk registers with countless controls but aren't sure how to demonstrate if these controls work or not. Boards and regulators are expecting more - and asking tougher questions around risk scorings and control effectiveness.

Join us for this 45 minute webinar where we'll explore the following -

  • Why do control testing?
  • Control testing process
  • A practical example
  • Reporting
  • Q&A

Succession Planning – ‘Tomorrow’ Has Arrived

October 8th, 10:30am

People often tend to think of succession planning as a purely paper exercise based on what might, or might not, happen in the future and hoping that that particular ‘tomorrow’ will never come. A box to be ticked. But the reality is that the need to fill vacancies occurs far more frequently than we like to think about. People do not remain in the same job ‘from cradle to grave’ anymore so credit unions need succession planning to be a living, breathing activity if the associated risks are to be managed effectively on an ongoing basis.

This Webinar will include:

  • Developing Skills & Competencies Matrix (including Minimum Competencies) & integrating into Role Descriptions
  • Performance Reviews – individual (staff and volunteers) and collective (committees and boards) & Individual Training & Development Plans
  • Conducting a Skills Gap Analysis
  • Succession Plan – board, committee, and key person

Strategic Risk - How to Eat an Elephant

December 3rd, 10:30am

Many people feel put off by the perceived ‘intangible’ nature of strategic planning. Phrases such as ‘blue sky thinking’ frighten many people into not wanting to even start the process. But like eating an elephant (not that we would of course!), strategic planning can be completed ‘one bite at a time’. This webinar will look at the various elements which when combined, form a logical, comprehensive plan to manage the risks associated with strategic planning, or the lack thereof.

This Webinar will include:

  • Developing a body of evidence around strategic planning.
  • Documenting the strategic planning review process, who should be involved and how to encourage contributions.
  • Key elements of a CU strategic plan e.g. business model analysis, environmental analysis, projections etc.
  • SWOT & PESTLE Analysis
  • Documenting Goals (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound) & Strategies
  • Monitoring performance of strategic KPIs

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