Enterprise Risk Management Software

Enterprise Risk Management

Over the last two decades, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has evolved from being a theoretical concept to becoming a pivotal business practice embraced by many organisations. However, despite its success, ERM is not without its problems… nor its opponents.

Embedding a robust risk management framework throughout an organisation can be a challenging task – whether because of friction between departments in competition for budgets, or because these departments are operating in silos. Engaging all personnel from the C-Suite through to front-line operations can also prove problematic. Some people may think that, because they are not the Risk Manager, risk management is not their responsibility when the truth is, Risk Management ought to be the responsibility of everyone in the organisation.

CalQRisk, the online Governance, Risk Management & Compliance software, features a tailored solution for those concerned with cybersecurity. The system is user-friendly, easy to implement and backed up by our first-class support team.

Key Benefits

of using CalQRisk

Manage multiple risk registers in one place and aggregate them to form a holistic view across the company.

Generate useful reports at the touch of a button, whether at a high-level or drilled-down.

Receive automatic recommendations for improving your organisation’s risk and compliance position, based on your response to assessment questions.

Document and track actions arising from Audits, Risk Mitigation Programmes, etc.

Easily involve other stakeholders (and external vendors) in your efforts – using personalised to-do lists of tasks, risk assessments, control checks, compliance tests, etc.

Demonstrate your efforts readily to both internal and external stakeholders.

First Choice Credit Union

‟First Choice Credit Union have been using CalQRisk for over five years. Everything you need is in one place and all the important information is available at the touch of a button. CalQRisk takes the manual work of spreadsheets out of risk management. All the information, risks and reports are available in one location, so it makes day to day reporting easy.

The customer support is great and we know that we can always get in touch with the team, like Ray or Chris, to get the answers to our questions at any time.

The system is user friendly and easy to use. We would recommend it to anyone looking to streamline their risk management processes. ‟

Paul Burke

Risk Management Officer and Deputy CEO,

Atlantic Aviation Group

‟CalQRisk includes all the compliance and risk management tools our organisation requires to record, monitor, mitigate, analyse and measure the risks we’re exposed to. Embracing risk management, audit tracking, task tracking, incident reporting, accident reporting with associated messaging / reminder functionality and dashboard reporting our organisation is now better placed to detect corporate, occupational, technical and indeed enterprise risk exposure.‟

Joe Martin

QA Manager


‟CalQRisk is essential for any organisation that needs a risk management / compliance solution that will evolve with their business and provide them with the essential ingredients that will allow them manage their risks on an on-going basis.‟

Darrin Harty

Head of Risk & Compliance